Atlanta Slip And Fall Lawyers

Slips And Falls ——-

When you to go to a restaurant, make a quick trip grocery store or visit a shopping mall, you don’t expect to be injured in slip and fall accident.  Businesses and property owners have a legal duty to manage and maintain their premises in a manner that is safe for customers and guests. If you have suffered a slip and fall injury due to a hazard or other dangerous property condition, you may be entitled to receive monetary compensation for your damages.

The attorneys at Puntier Law Firm fight to protect the rights of people who have been injured in slips and falls and other types of personal injury accidents.   Our lawyers know just how painful and debilitating these types of events can be, and we work to ensure that victims receive the compensation they need to get better and move on with their lives.

If you or a loved one has been hurt in a slip or fall in Georgia, contact the lawyers at Puntier Law to discuss your case.


Steps to Take After a Slip and Fall

Whether your slip and fall occurred in supermarket, office building, shopping center or any other place, there are some important things you can do to help protect your health and support your case:

1) Get Medical Attention

When you suffer a slip and fall the most important thing you can do is to make sure you get proper medical attention.  Even if you don’t think your injuries are serious, you should still see a doctor for a complete evaluation. In slip and fall accidents, injuries may not appear for several days, weeks or even months after the event so it is important to be examined as soon as possible after the accident.

2) Report The Incident

Regardless of where your slip and fall occurred, you need to be sure that you report the accident to the store or building manager or property landlord. Make certain that a written report is made of the incident and be sure to get a copy of it before you leave the scene.

3) Collect Evidence

When you are injured in a slip and fall it is very important to collect as much evidence as you can.  Take pictures of the accident scene, get contact information from witnesses, and write down anything you can recall about the way you fell along with the time, date and exact location of the accident.

4) Document Everything

If you decide to pursue a legal claim you will need documentation to support your losses and damages.  Keep a list of your medical appointments, copies of all medical bills and receipts, reports of your diagnostic tests and treatments and a calendar of doctors’ visits.  You will also need to provide proof of lost wages and should keep a journal documenting your injuries and pain levels.

5) Contact An Attorney

If you are considering filing a legal claim, you should speak with an experienced slip and fall attorney as soon as you are able.  Never agree to any settlement offers or give a statement to an insurance company until you have consulted with your lawyer. These cases can be complicated and difficult to prove, so it is essential to work with a knowledgeable attorney who can make sure you are taking the right steps to build your case.

Hurt in a Slip and Fall?
Puntier Law can help you get fair compensation for your injuries.

If you or someone you love has been hurt in a slip and fall accident caused by someone else, you deserve to be compensated for your injuries.  The personal injury lawyers at Puntier Law Firm will act quickly to investigate the accident scene and advise you of your options. We will take care of all the legal details so that you can concentrate on your health and recovery.   Call our Norcross, GA law firm today to discuss your case with a member of our legal team.

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