Atlanta Wrongful Death Lawyers

Wrongful Death ——-

Losing someone you love is always difficult but losing a loved one because of another person’s negligence or recklessness is one of the worst things a person can experience in life.  If your loved one has died because of the wrongful conduct of someone else, the Puntier Law Firm can help. While no amount of money can ever turn back the clock and bring your loved one back, our personal injury and wrongful death attorneys will fight to get the justice your loved one deserves.

What is a Wrongful Death Lawsuit?

Like other states, Georgia has a specific statute creating a civil cause of action for wrongful death.  Under Georgia’s  wrongful death statute certain surviving family members can bring a legal claim when a loved one dies because of the negligent, careless or unlawful actions of someone else.  In a wrongful death claim the surviving family members seek to recover the full value of their loved one’s life.

Full Value of Life

The “full value of life” has two components: economic and non-economic.  The economic component looks at the present value of the decedent’s tangible income likely to be earned throughout the course of his or her lifetime.  The law also allows for the recovery of the economic value of household, child care and other services the decedent would have provided over his or her life. The non-economic component is subjective in nature and looks at the intangible aspects of life such as spending time with family and friends, enjoying sports and other hobbies, raising children and many other factors that demonstrate the quality and non-economic value of the decedent’s life.

Estate Expense Claim

In addition to the wrongful death claim, the Estate of the person who died may also be able to bring a legal claim for the funeral, medical and other necessary expenses that the Estate has incurred as a result of the decedent’s injuries or death.   The Estate may also be able to make a claim for the decedent’s pain and suffering upon being injured and before succumbing to death. It is important to understand that this claim is separate and apart from the wrongful death action and must be brought by the decedent’s Estate.

What types of events can give rise to a wrongful death claim?

Wrongful death claims arise when somebody is killed because of another person’s negligence, carelessness or misconduct.  There are many different types of events that can give rise to a wrongful death claim including:

Motor Vehicle Accidents

Work-Related Accidents

Drunk Driving

Medical Malpractice

Negligence or Careless Conduct

Defective Products

Criminal or Unlawful Acts

Call Puntier Law today
to get advice about your Wrongful Death Case.

If you have a lost a loved one in an accident or other tragic event, contact The Puntier Law Firm to discuss your case.  Wrongful death actions can be complicated, so it is always best to have an experienced attorney on your side who can take you through the process step by step.  You can reach our Norcross, Georgia law offices today by clicking the button below, or sending us a message. 

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